Empower Grant Countdown
Zulhijja Countdown
Impact Report 2022
These number represent the number of people served in the United States. This data is accurate as of December 31st 2022
Hunger Prevention Program
Health Services
Muslim Family Services
Disaster Relief Services
Transitional Housing Program

Health Services
Our free clinics are about connecting with humanity and serving our communities to the best of our ability. We all know that healing is from God and God alone; we are merely an instrument of the Healer.
Our clinics provide medical aid to the uninsured and in the future ICNA Relief envisions opening a hospital as part of its expansion efforts.

Disaster Relief
ICNA Relief USA represents Our Nation’s Muslim Response to disasters. ICNA Relief USA supports all phases of disaster: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. Including mitigation, advocacy, and community resiliency for the whole-community. We assist in training and networking, planning and deployment, long term case management, and rebuilding better and resilient communities while also advocating for the benefit of those impacted by disaster.

Hunger Prevention
ICNA Relief’s national Hunger Prevention program provides individuals and families with the fuel to survive and thrive. Following the ordinance of Allah to feed the needy, ICNA Relief’s development of key public food assistance services raises awareness of the hunger epidemic facing our nation as a whole.

Transitional Housing
ICNA Relief offers an alternative for homeless women in need of temporary sleeping accommodations. ICNA Relief maintains the dignity of their clients while affording them the opportunity to heal and develop themselves within a nurturing environment. Women are provided with one-on-one support while they transition to permanent stable housing.

Back 2 School
We are working toward our mission of making schooling more accessible to students by providing support to the students themselves and their parents and educators. We offer various opportunities through different programs in Student Success, Parent Success, and Educator Success so that each student flourishes.

Muslim Family Services
The mission of Muslim Family Services (MFS) is to facilitate the growth of people by using a holistic framework in our services. We envision a community that develops a strong bond of humanity and are actively working on achieving it through education, intervention, and other evidence based practices.

Our Mission
Our vision is to become the charity of choice for all Americans based on faith, compassion and service. ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining their dignity. ICNA Relief USA seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining their dignity.
Volunteers from across the country help us accomplish our mission every day. We are a Muslim organization and feel it is our religious responsibility to support those in need in our country regardless of their race, religion or other identifying features.
Our Causes
ICNA Relief USA is a non-profit organization that provides humanitarian services and support to individuals and communities in need. It is a subsidiary of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and operates in the United States. The organization’s mission is to serve humanity by providing disaster relief, supporting community development, and helping to improve the lives of those in need through its various programs and initiatives.
Back 2 School
Disaster Relief Services
Health Services
Hunger Prevention Program
Muslim Family services
Transitional Housing Program
Support Us
We’ve raised over 23 million for the underpriveleged
In 2021, through 6 well-established programs, ICNA Relief was able to serve 1.2 million people in 32 states. ICNA Relief would not have been able to carry out this work without your help. We value your trust and will continue to strive to make ICNA Relief an efficient tool to help you fulfill your religious obligations of giving Zakaat and Sadaqah locally. Our focus at ICNA Relief is to maximize the impact of your donation by supplementing them with federal, state and city funds, private foundations, and matching funds. More than $20 million was secured in in-kind donations and cash grants in order to make the impact manifold. Furthermore, every single penny of your donations is used in a very responsible manner and according to the Islamic principles of compassion and care. I do not have the words to truly express the sense of blessing and pride I have for leading a great team with unmatched dedication and passion for our neighbors in need, Alhamdulillah. It needs a lot of courage to keep shelters and homes, food pantries, clinics, and refugee resource centers open in the face of all the restrictions and the high risk of contracting the virus. Fellow Americans all over the country know that there is a Muslim presence ready to help when there is a need, and we are truly thankful for your role in sustaining and improving that legacy. 2021 was not a year without its own tragedies, but by erecting formidable service infrastructures through our collective and individual commitments to service and community, as well as our steadfast dedication to emulating the example set for us by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), we are able to withstand any force that comes our way, Alhamdulillah.

Browse Programs
ICNA Relief provides 6 signature programs in the local communities across the USA.

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ICNA Relief provides help to the underprivileged and underserved in 41 states and 620 locations nationwide. This help can only be provided with help from local users like you! Do your part today and donate or volunteer today! Click the button below to get started and see for yourself how you can make an impact in your local community!

“Those who spend their money in the night and in the day, secretly and openly, they will have their reward with their Lord, there is no fear over them nor will they grieve.” -Q(2:274)
See what the scholars have to say
“I have been with ICNA Relief for a long time now and especially during the pandemic, they’ve been reaching to a lot of people […] even areas we don’t pay attention to like the uninsured people”

Shaykh Yaser Birjas
“I am a student of ICNA Relief, Alhamdulillah. ICNA Relief is my hears and soul, ICNA Relief contributed to making me who I am today as a person. I owe this organization so much…”

Shaykh Omar Suleiman
“I see that this organization is indeed interested in feeding the hungry, in helping the poor, in finding space for widows and orphans to live, in doing what our religion requires us to do”

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi
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